Thursday 26 November 2015

Other side of stardom - DAY 708

I accept there is a dark side to the glamour world but there is another side to show business too, the better side that only an insider can know. Cinema is perhaps the most sensitive medium where multiple talents come together There is creativity and compassion, warmth and wisdom that an outsider will never know. Inaccessibility prevents identification.

Thirty years is a long journey and over the many decades I have watched superstars rise and fall and rise again, I have watched media barons leap and crash empires. Watched journalism blossom from manual typewriters and spacious tape recorders into floppies, CDs and now mobile recorders and cameras... There was a time the printed word was sacrosanct, a time when electronic media was invasion and today, a time when social media is our lifeline!

Insecurity is an overwhelming emotion in any creative profession and in the film industry even more so. Film stars are peddlers of emotion. There are more emotional wrecks in the film world than in any other place. Every thing comes in excess here. There is shame and scandal, exhibitionism and eccentricity but there is also diversity and energy, a fatal attraction about the world of cinema that is obsessive. Once you've been a part of it you feel incomplete without it.

I’m a film critic because I love cinema, I’m an author because I love writing and my profession allows me both. The experiences have been an integral part of my growing up. Today, when someone asks me the question, ‘How does it feel to be a film journalist’ I look at the person asking. I wonder if it is worth reacting, strongly. I’m not sure.


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