Academy of Moving Images (MAMI)

his master class on 3D, Oscar Academy Member and Stereoscopic Department Head
of Walt Disney Animation Studios Mr. Robert Neuman simplified further the
complexities of 3D technology. His talk was followed by the Indian premiere of The
Little Mermaid 3D.
sourcing has two important C's in them - community and credibility. India does
not have a state funding and that is where crowd funding comes into place"
said Yogesh Karikurve, Co-founder of Catapooolt. Director of the movie Lucia,
Mr. Pawan Kumar added to the discussion saying “I realized soon enough that my
film Lucia was not going to get any producer. So, a lot of frustrated blogs and
Facebook status messages helped me get followers who helped me make the movie.
For Lucia, we gave people distribution links as a way of returning the money."
Bhawana Somaaya/ @bhawanasomaaya
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