In a first-of-its kind event Kapol Theatre will
showcase the work of playwright, actor, director, Bhisham Sahni,a brainchild of
Seema Bhargava Pahwa and Manoj Pahwa, now managed by their daughter Manukriti
Pahwa, who has completed her Bachelors in Performing Arts (Dramatics) from M S University,

This event feature renowned theatre
and film personalities, namely Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak Shah, Yashpal
Sharma, Heeba Shah, Manoj Pahwa, Seema Bhargava Pahwa, Manukriti Pahwa and
Mayank Pahwa performing and reciting five of Bhisham Sahniji’s famous stories.
Seema Bharagava Pahwa has directed
and designed the event, ensuring an exquisite experience for everyone.
The event will also include a book
stall showcasing all of Bhisham Sahni’s work, with an aim to educate the masses
and NCPA organizing a special
screening of Tamas and Mohan Joshi Hazir Ho.
Bhawana Somaaya/
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