Tuesday 23 April 2013

Cutting Chai with Bhawana Somaaya - Day 90

Fighting Fear
22.4.2013, Mumbai

Life is all about changing and Ram Katha guides you to cope with life by coping with changing circumstances. We have to change tracks and learn to survive without fear. There are eight kinds of fears
in universe. Fear of Death /Mrityu can be overcome by Remembrance/Smaran that all of us have to the world to go one day. Fear of Reputation /Apkirti can be overcome with acceptance that we are trapped in a Delusion /Mayaa can be overcome by discretion /vivek. Fear of Malady/ Maha Rog can be overcome by seeking company of wise.

The effort we put into any task is Karma Yog /Path of Actions), the intention and the company we use to reach our goal is Gyan Yog /Path of Wisdom and Bhakti Yog /Path of Devotion. The Lord describes our life and the universe Rasmay / Passionate. All we need on our path to devotion is good intent. The universe can provide us with light but the radiance has to come from within ourselves.

Bhawana Somaaya / www.bhawanasomaaya.com

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