Wednesday 17 September 2014

Cutting Chai with Bhawana Somaaya - Day 438

September is Bangalore Literature Festival

As the date approaches closer, Bangalore Literature Festival gets its schedule in order. The website is ready and so are the authors, checking and connecting with their panel members. With just 10 days to go for the festival the countdown begins on the social media. Bangalore Liiterature Festival team spear headed by Vikram Sampath and Shine supervise communications with regards to travel and accommodation with authors from outstation.

It is not easy curetting such a vast festival; co-coordinating with local and outstation authors but with a skilled, hardworking, enthusiastic team everything is possible. They not just do a great job of the festival but make every author feel at home.

Mid September in my diary is blocked for Bangalore Literature Festival and I look forward to spending the special three days in the electronic city year after year. I look forward to meeting the very talented team, interacting with new and old authors walking in the gardens, chatting up with strangers in the Authors' Lounge over endless cups of coffee before and after the session. 

Love you Vikram and Shinie and can’t wait to see you both again at the best Lit Fest in India.

Bhawana Somaaya/ Tweets @bhawanasomaaya

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