Monday 15 September 2014

Cutting Chai with Bhawana Somaaya - Day 437

Bad Joke

Sometimes the media  receives information from a PR office which she would like to believe is a joke.

I'm aware that this is not the month of April and nobody is in a mood for April Fool jokes but when they send you a picture of Nargis in the iconic film Mother India and make a story combining a contemporary picture of Rekha in her forthcoming film Super Naani  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

All I can say is let us hope that Rekha  is not reading the press release or even checking her pictures because if she were, she is sure to throw a fit at the interpretations intended.

Bhawana Somaaya - 
Twitter - @bhawanasomaaya


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  2. The picture alone is so offending that I'm not even looking forward to watching the film now!
