Wednesday 30 January 2013

Cutting Chai with Bhawana Somaaya - Day 30

Scenes from Books…Scene 3: Year: 2013
30.1.2013, Mumbai

It is 7pm at Hotel Novotel in Juhu and Bachchan arrives on the dot of time to inaugurate my last of the trilogy on him Amitabh Lexicon. We are a bit flustered as we are still giving final touches to the venue and the set.

We have the presence of mind to immediately whisk him into another room where the media is waiting for him on the red carpet. They are requested to restrict questions to the event but as usual they ask what they want to.

Bachchan has come directly from another event and is looking very glamarous seated between glam divas Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma.

I chat with him on the Making of an Icon and ask him to elaborate on specific words that combine the ingredients of stardom.

He is amused by the process and enjoys it but restriction of time prevents us to complete the entire journey.

When the conversation ends he is surrounded by people clamoring for autographs and photographs. He is exhausted but polite and pleasant. Some things never change I guess.

When I see him off at the gate I notice that his car has changed. It is a smart tall car, impressive but I apologise I can’t recognize the brand.

Bhawana Somaaya/

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