Friday 21 June 2013

Cutting Chai with Bhawana Somaaya - Day 132

Jail Diary XIII
18.6.2013. Mumbai

The skyline is gloomy but the ground beneath his feet in the cell feels cool after the first showers of rain. Sanjay thinks about his first born Trishala and wonders what time of the day it must be in New York now.  He smiles when he thinks about how maturely she had reacted to the news of his going to jail again. No questions, no tears, just long pauses over the telephone. Sanjay was surprised how alert she was to his situation and accepted without arguments when he explained that he did not wish her to come to Bombay. Trishala understood that if her father wanted her to refrain visiting him there must be a reason and watching all the commotion on the street that noon, she understood why.

The last time Manyata was here, she informed him that Trishala had posted a very mature blog admitting that she was foolish to fantasize a career in films. Trishala wrote that she was glad that she had grown out of that stage and today as the older sister, felt responsible for her twin siblings in the absence of their dad.

(To be continued)
Bhawana Somaaya/ @bhawanasomaaya

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