Akshar is a non profit organization registered with the charitable trust, a
centre for learning for underprivileged children in Aram Nagar, Andheri West.

The NGO accomplishes this through various workshops in art, theatre, dance and excursions and ofcourse education.
Recently, Dhai Akshar launched a film appreciation workshop where experts exposed these children to good cinema, Indian and international.
The teachers and the
group are able to do this and more because they have on board distinguished
professionals who guide them in different arts and crafts.
If you are privileged
and feel you can part with some money you make with these deserving kids you may send a cheque of whatever amount to Nyla
Masood Founder/ Managing Trustee Dhai Akshar Educational Trust +91
9820087571 nylamas@gmail.com projectdhaiakshar@gmail.com
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